Eyelid correction

Over time, the skin around the eyes loses elasticity - a completely natural ageing process. The comparatively thin skin around the eyes particularly favours the formation of wrinkles. Fatty tissue bulges the sagging skin outwards (lachrymal sacs), the eyelids increasingly droop and, in extreme cases, even restrict the field of vision upwards and outwards (drooping eyelids). Women are often bothered by this very early on (often from the age of 30-35) because it becomes increasingly difficult to apply make-up to the eye area and eyeshadow smudges more easily.

Plastic surgery can help here. After an eyelid lift, your eyes will appear larger and younger; your gaze will be radiantly fresh again and you will no longer look tired.

As an award-winning specialist with many years of experience in the field of facial surgery, I will be happy to advise you, carry out the procedure according to the latest scientific findings and ensure a natural and beautiful result;

Eyelid correction - Prof. Dr Charlotte Holm Mühlbauer is a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery

Fast Facts

Operation time:Upper eyelids: approx. 40 min.
Lower eyelids: 60-90 min.
Anaesthesia:Local anaesthesia with twilight sleep
Hospitalization:outpatient (Munich)
Sociability:after approx. 7-10 days
Ability to work:after approx. 1-2 days
Sport:after 2 weeks
Aftercare tips:→ PDF for download

Bright, alert eyes after eyelid correction

Eyelid corrections are among the most frequently performed procedures in aesthetic plastic surgery. Even though an eyelid lift is a short procedure with few complications, it still requires precision and an exact approach by the surgeon in order to achieve optimal results. Together with my husband and esteemed colleague Professor Wolfgang Mühlbauer  I have personally been able to optimise the method and technique of the procedure: we have described a surgical method in which the fatty tissue is not removed but remains intact. This procedure prevents the "hollow-eyed" appearance that used to be so common.

Upper blepharoplasty

So-called drooping eyelids make your eyes look tired, small and slit-like; the face takes on a prematurely aged or even ill expression. With an upper blepharoplasty, we correct so-called drooping eyelids with excess skin  excess skin is removed and the connective tissue is tightened through a wedge-shaped incision along the upper eyelid crease. The scar is almost invisible later on.

Eyebrow lift

We can elegantly adjust the position and shape of the eyebrows with an endoscopic forehead and temple lift alone or in addition to blepharoplasty.

Lower lid blepharoplasty

Lower blepharoplasty is significantly more complex than an upper eyelid lift and requires a great deal of experience and millimetre precision. If the skin and connective tissue around the eyes lose their firmness and elasticity, wrinkles and/or bags under the eyes appear on the lower eyelid, giving the face a prematurely aged and sad appearance. A lower eyelid lift removes the wrinkles and excess skin on the lower eyelid  in the case of bags under the eyes, the excess fat is removed and the muscles on the lower eyelid are tightened. In younger patients without excess skin, bags under the eyes can even be removed elegantly and without any scarring through the conjunctiva, i.e. from the inside of the lower eyelids. This is known as transconjunctival lower lid blepharoplasty.

Upper and lower eyelid correction can easily be combined in one procedure.

Eyelid corrections are performed at the ATOS Clinic in Munich, where my practice is also located.

You are welcome to arrange a consultation appointment:
Phone: +49 89 / 20 4000 205  Email:  or online

In the best hands with Prof. Holm Mühlbauer:
Qualifications, awards,
Development of recognised surgical methods

Find out more with our animated film about

Options and procedure for upper eyelid correction

Options and procedure for lower eyelid correction

I look forward to
answering all your questions during an appointment.

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What eyelid correction options are there?

What exactly bothers you about your eyes and which areas should be corrected? Eyelid surgery is very often performed for aesthetic reasons. Only you can decide whether and at what age you want to undergo this procedure.  Eyelid surgery can successfully turn back the clock. After the procedure, the eyelids are significantly smoother, the gaze is more open and the eyes appear younger and radiant. The scars are virtually invisible. I mainly perform the following eyelid corrections in my practice:

  • Upper eyelid lift
    If you tend to have so-called droopy eyelids, drooping eyelids that make you look tired and tense, an upper eyelid crease is the result. An upper eyelid lift is a surgical procedure also known as upper blepharoplasty. This procedure involves removing or repositioning excess skin, muscle and fatty tissue from the upper eyelids.
  • Lower eyelid lift
    The lower eyelid lift, also known as lower blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure in which excess skin, muscle and fatty tissue are removed or repositioned from the lower eyelids. We recommend a lower eyelid lift if you suffer from wrinkled lower eyelids, bags under the eyes or dark circles.
  • Eyebrow lift
    In many cases, we combine blepharoplasty with an eyebrow lift that lifts the eyebrows gently but very effectively, emphasising a fresh, open look.

We are here for you!

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