If our facial skin becomes increasingly wrinkled over time, this is a sign of a natural loss of volume, i.e. of elastic fibres, subcutaneous fatty tissue, connective tissue and facial muscles.
Autologous fat injection is one of the most modern methods in aesthetic surgery today and represents an indispensable addition to our surgical spectrum.
In this treatment, living, autologous fat cells (usually from the thighs, buttocks or abdomen) are removed with a fine cannula, processed and then injected into another sunken or wrinkled area. For liposuction, we have recently started using the Body Jet EVO - an advanced technology that has been specially developed for liposuction procedures. This innovative method utilises the power of the water jet to gently and efficiently loosen and suction away fat cells. The advantage: as the fat cells are less traumatised by the gentle water jet, their vitality is largely preserved, making them ideal for facial fillers. We can use the processed fat cells to naturally plump up sunken cheeks, eyelids, lips or wrinkles around the mouth.
As an award-winning specialist with many years of experience in the field of facial surgery, I will be happy to advise you carry out the procedure according to the latest scientific standards and ensure a natural and beautiful result
Fast Facts
Operation time: | approx. 30 - 90 min. |
Anesthesia | Local anaesthesia with twilight sleep |
Length of stay: | outpatient (Munich) |
Sociability: | after approx. 2-3 weeks |
Hospitalization: | after approx. 2-3 days |
Sport: | after approx. 2-3 weeks |
Pain: | no |
Permanent, natural, low-risk - autologous fat treatment with us in Munich
The autologous fat plumps up the subcutaneous fatty tissue and replaces the lost volume under the skin. The skin appears plump and youthful. The structure of the skin surface can also be rejuvenated by the stem cells contained in the fat.
We are one of the pioneers of autologous fat transplantation in Germany and now have many years of experience, which has led to the perfection of the technique over time.
An autologous fat injection has a number of decisive advantages:
- It is well tolerated as it is the body's own material; foreign body reactions are ruled out.
- The body does not break down the fatty tissue once it has grown in. The result is permanent once the fat cells have grown.
- Sufficient quantities are available.
Autologous fat treatments can be perfectly combined with other procedures; we often perform them together with a facelift, for example.
The autologous fat treatment is carried out at the ATOS Clinic in the heart of Munich, where I also have my practice.
You are welcome to arrange a consultation appointment:
Phone: +49 89 / 20 4000 205 Email: or online
In the best hands with Prof. Holm Mühlbauer:
Qualifications, awards,
Development of recognised surgical methods
Focus Magazine Awards
- Honoured in the Focus list of doctors 2013-2023:
as Germany's top doctor for breast surgery. - Honoured in the Focus Medical List 2023–2024:
as Germany's top doctor for breast surgery, facelift, eyelid surgery
Stern Magazine awards
- Honoured in the Stern Doctors' List 2022, 2023
- 2002 Specialist in plastic surgery
- 2004 Habilitation at the Medical Faculty of the Technical University of Munich and
- 2006 Additional qualification in special plastic surgical intensive care medicine from the Bavarian Medical Association
- 2010 Associate Professor for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery
Publications & Lectures
- Over 50 book contributions and publications in national and international scientific journals.
- Publications for download
- Over 100 presentations at national and international symposia and congresses.
Autologous fat transplantation - an option for me?
Deep nasolabial folds, pronounced wrinkles around the mouth or loss of volume in the cheeks often make a face look tired and older than it actually is. We counteract this with autologous fat injections, which are particularly suitable for deep nasolabial folds and pronounced wrinkles on the cheeks and around the mouth.
Die Operation muss unter sterilen Bedingungen im Operationssaal durchgeführt werden. Eigenes Fettgewebe wird mit einer kleinen Kanüle von einer beliebigen Stelle (meistens Oberschenkel, Knieinnenseite, Bauch oder Hüfte) entnommen, steril aufbereitet und an die gewünschte Stelle mit einer feinen Kanüle eingespritzt. Da sich das injizierte Fett innerhalb der nächsten 3 Monate verringert, führen wir anfänglich meist eine leichte Überkorrektur durch, um diesen Verlust auszugleichen („Resorption“). Bei fachgerechter Durchführung hält sich das Fettgewebe, das nach sechs Monaten noch vorhanden ist, dauerhaft. Ist das erreichte Volumen nicht ausreichend, können wir die Eigenfetttransplantation nach einem halben Jahr wiederholen. Nutzen Sie auch die Gelegenheit, sich in unserem Video (s.o.) zu informieren.
We are here for you!
What the patients say ...

Prof Holm Mühlbauer is a very competent and experienced doctor. I have already had several outpatient procedures performed by her and she has also operated on me twice. I am very satisfied with the results. She advises and explains everything and answers every question. A top doctor! I can only recommend her to anyone.
I also have to say that the team at the O.P. was great and Mrs Fischer at reception is incredibly friendly and helpful anyway. You feel very welcome in the practice.

I had a breast augmentation 3 months ago with Prof. Dr Holm Mühlbauer and the result is great!
Mrs Prof. Dr Holm Mühlbauer gave me perfect advice on size so that it fits my body, I felt very well looked after and would always have it done there again.
Everything healed perfectly and I am more than satisfied.

I came across Prof Dr Holm-Mühlbauer through a recommendation from another doctor and immediately felt that I was receiving extremely competent advice. Before, during and after the breast augmentation, I could not have been better looked after by Dr Holm-Mühlbauer and her practice team.
The well-being of the patient is absolutely the focus here. Prof. Holm-Mühlbauer even came in on her day off just for me to remove the drainage.
The result of the operation is simply perfect + beautiful!

via Google
Sympathetic and professional experienced doctor,
I am very grateful to her and glad that I am in surgery with her. Best

I had a face and neck lift and an upper eyelid lift with Prof Dr Charlotte Holm Mühlbauer and the result was simply sensational.
I look young, fresh and not operated on. Just as it should be.
I didn't have any pain, but you have to be prepared for haematomas and swelling. But don't worry, this is normal and will be broken down by the body.
Professor Dr Charlotte Holm Mühlbauer is the best, both professionally and personally.
Her practice manager Sabine Fischer is always very friendly and helpful.
All the staff at the clinic who looked after me were caring and competent.
My husband is also delighted with the result.

I had my first experience with Dr Charlotte Holm Müllbauer 5 years ago. I came for the first time for a lip treatment. She was very professional and friendly at the same time. My lips were well done, I didn't have much swelling
🙏🏻 I was satisfied every time, but have since changed my doctor because the clinic in Effnerstr. is difficult for me to reach.

Friendly and very professional doctor!
I like going to her, the result is always natural!

I had a breast reduction with Prof Dr Charlotte Holm-Mühlbauer and I am delighted with the result. The reduction and lift turned out better than I had imagined. The result is natural and significantly firmer, fine scars that are barely visible and no pain after the operation. I am more than happy with the result. The entire team at the Atos Clinic is simply wonderful and always friendly and courteous. I have always had difficulties with circulation and nausea after general anaesthesia. At the Atos Clinic I had no complaints for the first time. From the initial consultation to the last follow-up examination, Prof Dr Holm-Mühlbauer and the practice team make you feel very well looked after and accepted. They are committed to their patients and are always at your side. I can only recommend Prof Dr Holm Mühlbauer to anyone.

R. Gebhart
Prof Dr Mühlbauer-Holm is a very good, experienced and empathetic doctor! I was already "under her knife" several times in her Bogenhausen days.
I owe it to her skill that my face is now very satisfactory again after I had to have a wing of my nose removed due to a basal cell carcinoma. Thank you very much for that!

via Google
Ausgezeichneter Arzt. Sie verdient den Titel als eine der besten plastischen Chirurgen Deutschlands.

Äußert professionelle Betreuung und Abwicklung. Für mich war es die erste OP im „kosmetischen“ Bereich. Die OP verlief reibungslos. Der Heilungsverlauf war sehr schnell und unkompliziert. Kurz nach der OP war das sehr gute Ergebnis und die professionelle Arbeit von Frau Prof. Holm-Mühlbauer deutlich erkennbar. Das Ergebnis ist sehr natürlich. Hier kenne ich andere Ergebnisse.
Frau Prof. Holm-Mühlbauer macht das mit einem Fachwissen und einer Kompetenz die man suchen muss. Ich bin froh, Frau Prof. Holm-Mühlbauer kennengelernt zu haben.
Die Assistentin von Frau Prof. Holm-Mühlbauer ist eine Perle. Herzlich, freundlich und fröhlich …

Professor Holm-Mühlbauer was recommended to me for a facelift. I will always be grateful for that. The first consultation, the inpatient stay and the subsequent aftercare were characterised by a professional and charming manner that you will rarely find in the medical field, but which is crucial for the necessary trust.
The result of the operation was simply great - natural and yet with a resounding result.
I would recommend this address to all my friends and acquaintances.

via Jameda
Prof. Dr. Med. Charlotte Holm Mühlbauer is a fantastic doctor who responds very sensitively to her patients' problems and wishes.
She is also a very likeable person.
I have been going to her for many years and will continue to do so.

via ReviewHero
Prof. Dr. Med. Charlotte Holm Mühlbauer asked about my wishes and then competently explained the options to me. She and the whole team were very friendly, the operation went well ...

via Google
I would always recommend Prof. Dr. Med. Charlotte Holm Mühlbauer. As always
I received excellent advice and treatment. Thank you very much!

via Sanego
I would always recommend Prof. Dr. Med. Charlotte Holm Mühlbauer. I am convinced of her technical skills as well as her human approach.

via Jameda
Prof. Dr. Med. Charlotte Holm Mühlbauer is a fantastic doctor who responds very sensitively to her patients' problems and wishes.
She is also a very likeable person.
I have been going to her for many years and will continue to do so.
information for patients
The breast plays an incomparable role in a woman's self-confidence. It is therefore essential for me to advise my patients competently and sensitively and to carry out the procedure (breast augmentation, lift, breast reduction) according to the latest scientific findings.
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Satisfaction with our own reflection in the mirror increases our quality of life and self-esteem. When we like ourselves and feel good in our skin, we are happier - and aesthetic facial surgery can help: Eyelid lift, facelift,...
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Unfortunately, sometimes a healthy diet and exercise alone are not enough to eliminate fat deposits that are perceived as annoying. This is where cosmetic surgery offers a wide range of options: Liposuction, abdominoplasty...
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The art of aesthetic reconstruction is an essential part of plastic surgery and can help to restore your quality of life after a serious illness or accident: Scars, skin tumours, breast...
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